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I just wanted to let you in on a little special that’s going on this weekend, and only this weekend. This weekend Michael Zelbel, author of “The art of boudoir photography with speedlights”, is opening his photography coaching club for signups. Signup will be possible from Friday June 29th until Monday morning... [Read more of this review]

Boudoir Photography Tips for Dramatic Images Everyone wants dramatic images for their clients. Clients like dramatic images and dramatic lighting. dramatic lighting makes things look , well, more dramatic and that means stunning images. Dramatic lighting brings with it emotional content which is what moves people. Here are some boudoir photography tips... [Read more of this review]

Boudoir Photography Tips for Valentines Day Here are some boudoir photography tips for one of the biggest selling days of the year, Valentines Day. Valentines day is the day people profess their love or affirm their continued love for their mate, or they just want to do something awesome for that special person in their life and possibly jump start... [Read more of this review]

Boudoir Photography Tips for Christmas Christmas time is a great time for boudoir photographers. It has the potential for making good money and new clients so we have some tips for you to make the most with very little. No Pun Intended. Christmas Props Christmas has a wide array of decorations that lend themselves nicely to boudoir photography as props.... [Read more of this review]

Hotel Room Boudoir With a Gothic Fetish Theme This shoot was in a hotel room in Hollywood, just after the Bondage Ball that is held in Hollywood 4 times a year. The setting is a hotel room, and a hot and sweaty, sultry Gothic fetish model named Lily Kill Blue. Off with a few articles of clothing and onto the bed. Some torn fishnets, a corset, and a... [Read more of this review]

Boudoir Photography Tips and Lighting Diagram Here is another shot from a shoot with Model Kristabelle. Corsets make nice props and additions for Boudoir Photography. I’ve included the lighting diagram for this shot. It’s very simple and self explanatory. The lighting for this boudoir shot is just 2 lights, hot lights in fact. Fresnel lights... [Read more of this review]

Retro Burlesque Style Boudoir Photography Sometimes a retro feel for your boudoir shoot is called for. Burlesque styled props and outfits can really make the scene. Photoshoping also helps lend a hand with a plugin to create the old film styles from the 70’s and earlier. The Model’s name is Kristabelle and we had a shoot where we did some... [Read more of this review]

Boudoir Noir Boudoir Noir relies heavily on the style of film noir, and it’s characteristics. Film noir is heavily steeped in shadows and what you don’t show, so will boudoir noir be, steeped in shadows with some things left to the imagination. Dark and stark contrasts, lots of shadows and even an obstructed view of the face. This type of... [Read more of this review]

Boudoir Photography Tips – Using The Right Light and Lighting Diagram One boudoir photography tip is to use the right light for the right situation. If you were using sunlight or natural light to light a scene, you would use a strobe, as the light “temperature” or kelvin rating would match. Whereas if you were to do a scene in a bathroom... [Read more of this review]

Simple Light, Simple Props – Boudoir Photography Tips The following image is a simple image. One single light, One Satin Sheet, One White Bed Sheet and One Gorgeous Model. A single strip softbox on a strobe for nice diffuse, wrap lighting to create softened shadows, with the model laying on a single white bed sheet on a cushioned platform. The... [Read more of this review]

Fine Art Boudoir Photography Poses The Artistic Boudoir Pose, has many different variations. The image below shows a breast, and no face. This type of photo is able to let the person looking at it, see who they want to see. Instead of defining the person in the picture we let the viewer define the person with their own mind. Breasts have a certain... [Read more of this review]

Boudoir Photography Poses Using Simple Natural Lighting In this image the model is laying towards the back of the couch made of a soft black fabric. Black absorbs light and negates any light that spills onto the couch. What you don’t see is the window above the back of the couch, with this shot being taken mid day when the sun was highest in the... [Read more of this review]

Boudoir Photography Props and Posing In this image, the model is laying on a red satin sheet. There are several cushions to prop her legs up to help accentuate the legs and create an “S” Curve to the body. The pose stretches from one corner of the photograph to the adjacent corner effectively filling up the photo area. Simple props such... [Read more of this review]

Boudoir Photography Poses – Following the Curves Instead of focusing on the specifics such as a body part, instead follow a curve and leave the specific body part out of focus. In this photo the upper body is out of focus but in the forefront, bringing it to front of the picture. However the seductive curve of the waist and the unbuttons pants... [Read more of this review]

Pinup and cheesecake photographs were a product of early 19th century. Pinup being the photographs pin’ed up to the wall to be looked at, while cheesecake was a photo or poster of a provocative girl in less attire. Not pornographic, just less clothes with an expression of being provocative. Add a little retro sexy to your Boudoir Photography Poses... [Read more of this review]

Boudoir Photography Tips This site gives out boudoir photography tips for the photography, because regardless of if the subject is a paying client, a close friend, girlfriend, or aspiring model, it is usually beneficial to demonstrate to her the exact same considerations that you would any legitimate photography client. Boudoir Photography Tips about... [Read more of this review]
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